Landscape of Information Tools & Resources

Defining the landscape of information tools and resources for Plant Genetic Resources (PGR)

The DivSeek community and stakeholders are working together to understand the landscape of available information tools and resources available to add value to PGR, with potential to assist in Access & Benefit Sharing.  This page presents an initial effort to provide a a systematic overview and classification. As DivSeek Commons develops, we hope this matrix will help identify gaps for new tools and resource, and particularly where there is a needs for interoperability to enhance information exchange, analysis and comparison.

  • The spreadsheet workbook below is available to view on Google Docs.  If you wish to edit, please contact [email protected] for a secure link.

Please note that the information provided here is very preliminary. We are keen to solicit feedback and additional information/links from DivSeek Members and other stakeholders. Please forward to [email protected].