Genomics to democratize and empower Hub

The DivSeek International Thematic Hub for Genomic technology to democratize and empower the conservation and use of genetic resources aims to foster an international community of practice of peers working in genomic characterization of genetic resources, sharing scientific experience, knowledge of resources and advice on germplasm characterization and use by leveraging the existing platform and partnerships of The Seeds of Discovery (SeeD)- a 10 year old platform focused on the characterization and use of maize and wheat genetic resources for the benefit of farmers, consumers and food processors by facilitating access to infrastructure, tools and capacity building resources

Co-leads: Carolina Sansaloni; César Petroli and Sarah Hearne, CIMMYT

2021 update on Activities:
  • The proposed hubs at CIAT and CIMMYT entered productive dialogue and identified from their proposals for the respective hubs areas of clear synergy.
  • Together we propose to establish a community of practice in the use of genomic and digital tools, for the conservation and use of genetic resources, with each hub playing to their relative strengths and expertise to serve the needs of the region and, through the CIMMYT hub extend the use of resources developed to the global community
  • We have also engaged with the hub proposed by the James Hutton Institute given their strength in data visualisation and management and our own productive interactions with them in the past.
  • Given the CIMMYT and CIAT hub’s extensive experience and strengths in large scale genomic and phenotypic characterisation of inbred and outbreeding cereals, legumes and clonal crops, the JHI group agreed to direct broader thematic style queries to the CIAT/CIMMYT hubs to obtain relevant advice and input.
  • The ”Digital Genebank” module of ‘Future Seeds’ building, which will be ready ending 2021, will work as a meeting and collaboration platform for the Latin American pilot hub. Link to future seeds: