
DivSeek Commons: the matrix is born

May 20, 2022

DivSeek is working to help ensure plant germplasm and its derived digital sequence information (DSI) is F.A.I.R – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable.

A range of data repositories and tools already exist; but many are not as widely used as they could be, or unable to interact readily with others.

DivSeek Commons aims to define clearly the landscape and interoperability of information tools and data resources for PGR.

This initiative is about taking stock of what tools are available and identify any gaps. In particular, there is a need to increase workflow connectedness and interoperability (how well data sources and tools communicate with each other), by encouraging the development of standards and best practices.

Meet the matrixa detailed, collaborative, and evolving catalogue with links to specific open-access standards, software tools/pipelines, data repositories or analysis platforms.

We need your help to populate the matrix. The spreadsheet is available to view on Google Sheets, and anyone who wishes to edit or contribute may request an edit link from [email protected] with ‘Commons’ in the email subject.

Our next steps are to build a user-friendly, interactive interface with dedicated workflows connecting data resources, annotation and analysis tools (e.g. in Galaxy). We welcome your ongoing feedback.
